“I’m Back” Videos & Free Trials

We loved creating the “I’m Back” videos which captured some of the joy and excitement our students experienced when returning to their Theatre Bugs & Adelaide Theatre Academy classes for the beginning of Term 1, 2022.

Remember that we are very happy to offer offer FREE TRIALS for all of our group classes. So, if you are an existing student and are interested in trying an additional class, please just let us know. We offer significant discounts for extra classes.

Please feel free to share our FREE TRIAL offer for group classes with your friends & family. It’s a great way for parents and children decide whether they would like to join our theatre family.

Here are the links to enjoy both the Theatre Bugs and also the Adelaide Theatre Academy “I’m Back” videos.




Please email admin@theatrebugs.com.au or call (08) 8332 1228 for further information.