Cassidy is an avid lover of musical theatre, and has been in Theatre Bugs classes since she was 6 years old. Most of this time has been spent in two of our top classes, Performance Troupe and Showstoppers.
She has been taking singing lessons for 5 years, where she challenges and stretches her voice to be the best it can be. She also spent 3 years in Australian Girls Choir where she learnt valuable performance techniques.
She has played a multitude of roles through Theatre Bugs/Adelaide Theatre Academy, her favourite rolls include Mama Bear from Porridge, Hermes from Xanadu, and Molly from 13.
Cassidy has really enjoyed her time at Theatre Bugs over the years and is very excited to step into this new role. She is really looking forward to growing as a performer herself, and helping her students to grow and become more confident as performers.